Mimo Mindful Movement


To book a session,
email us 48 hours in advance and let us know which session you would like to attend.

Full assessment to identify the client general health and wellness needs relating to physical and mental wellness.  The process assist the client to identifying  any specific pathologies or specific needs in order for the client to work toward optimal  physical and mental  health and wellness.

Specific assessment looking and the movement patterns, mobility ,strength and function of the neural and myofascial systems  in order to empower client to improve, enhance and challenge these systems.

This session focuses on a collaboration between the health coach and client to put together and action plan to empower the client to work toward specific health and wellness goals that was identified during the assessment. The health coach will also guide and assist the client if specific referral to other health and wellness practitioners is necessary for optimal results.

These sessions are individually packaged for the client’s specific needs to provide tools for empowering the client to take control of their mental, spiritual and physical health needs. The sessions may include teaching of movement strategies, breath work, mindfulness, sleep improvement strategies,  basic nutritional advise and basic counselling in order to improve mental health (e.g. trauma or anxiety) and physical health and wellness.